Sacred Ritual Candles of the Moiras

Moiras velas

Omar Hejeile |

Before entering, it is important to warn you that all handling of candles requires care. Although they are an element of great power and magic, they are also very dangerous if not used with caution. The handling and care of the Fire is up to you.

  • Do not leave burning candles unattended
  • Never place candles under beds, inside drawers, or on smooth surfaces.
  • Never light candles near curtains, doors, trash, etc.
  • Never light a candle if you have or are near alcohol on your hands or flammable products.
  • Never allow children or disabled persons to use Fuego.
  • Whenever you light a candle, do so in a deep plate with water, this way the excess paraffin will not ignite when it burns out.
  • Never blow out a candle. Apart from being bad luck, it is dangerous. Use a candle snuffer for this.
  • Any excess wax should be discarded if any remains.
  • Don't play with fire, respect it

The Conjured Candles of the Fates are a unique magical product created by Wicca and are available in our online stores.

The Candles of the Moiras have three different powers to modify destinies. No past can be changed, but the present and therefore the future can. Each one has its virtues, powers and magic to transform life. Normally, the three candles should be burned on the days indicated, every time you want to change or alter a specific destiny.

The Conjured Candles of the Fates are a unique magical product created by Wicca and are available in our online stores.

Tuesday night, Clotho's candle: Moira, who extracts from the spinning wheel of life the threads of destiny of all that exists, frees existence, is the creator of destinies.

The spinner of destinies:

With this sacred candle the sovereign begins the weaving of a new beginning, opens the doors of tomorrow attracting the dawn of new life, use it to begin the weaving of your life.

It lights up when you want to have something new, or you undertake a new life option, a journey, a new relationship, a change, a promise, a rebirth to a different future. Any new destiny will come from the spinning wheel of the Moiras and Clotho will pull out that thread.


Stick the candle in the center of a deep plate, add water to cover one centimeter of the candle, and then light it at the indicated time: Tuesday night, after sunset during the western hours and until midnight (6pm to 12pm), before the eastern or sunrise hours.

Take off your shoes, you must be barefoot. Feet are the wings of destiny.

Light the candle, Gaze at the flame and watch until it harmonizes

Pay attention to the signs, this is the only candle that gives signals if the new destination is an omen or a portent.

If the ritual is abruptly interrupted, someone calls, someone appears, something breaks, the power goes out, you hear unknown noises, you hear dogs howling, or you feel presences.

STOP THE RITUAL, this destiny does not suit you, but you will have the freedom to choose to continue or not.

It is wise to blow out the candle, and wait at least one moon phase or seven days before trying again. You do the ritual with the same candle, just take some time to reevaluate your decision and look at that destiny a little.

If there are no signs...

Look in your mind at what is going to begin, imagine it, cover it with a halo of golden light, see yourself within that mental image and do it while the flame gains strength.

At that moment say the following spell...

Clotho: Lady mistress of destiny
With deep respect for your works
On this altar I ask you
Pull from your enchanted spinning wheel this new destiny
That I now bring my life, for my conceived
Sacred thread created by the goddesses
Join my life to this hope
Of sacred moon rainbow that dances in the morning.
With the heavenly fire that floods the heights
With this brightness, light my way
So as not to fall into darkness or into oblivion
Give life to your life, to this my destiny
Cover it with sacred power
From your weaving hands
And your divine spindle
I beg you, get spinning
This is my destiny that I dream of reaching
Fulfilling your mandates
I repay this favor with another favor
Making the offering of surrender

Three candles of the Moiras, spread your devotion to those who may need them so that all destinies may intertwine in happiness. You who weave them, help them to advance.

On Thursday at midnight, the candle of Lachesis the Moira who gives fortunes is burned.

Every created destiny needs luck, without it there will only be problems and sadness, failure and loneliness will come.

This is the Moira that the fortunes will bring to your new destiny, in a thousand ways that you cannot imagine and it will always be for your good, this sacred Moira, must take care of your life.

Luck will undoubtedly be on your side, but keep in mind that every day you will have to see the sunrise, you will have a new day and the first thing you will do is thank life for having one more day.

Luck will be on your side, do not abuse it, act calmly, do not boast of your successes or tell the secrets of the life you will have, be cautious and do not attract envy or enemies who can steal your luck.

At midnight on Thursday, during the witching hour, you must burn this sacred candle.


Stick the candle in the center of a deep plate, add water to cover one centimeter of the candle, and then light it at the indicated time. Thursday at midnight, (12) or at the witching hour.

Take off your shoes, you must be barefoot. Feet are the wings of destiny.

Light the candle, Gaze at the flame and watch until it harmonizes

It is time to say the following spell:

You who create fate and carry it in your womb
I humbly ask you at this hour
Bathe this my morning with your sacred light
Where a new destiny is going to begin
I ask you, give me the luck to achieve
Achieve my desires that are wishes
To find happiness
Lady of luck, I do not ask you for riches by chance
I ask you, remove the barriers that can trap me
I thank you, although you have this request to listen

This ritual can only be used for a specific purpose. If you want to create other purposes in your life and still want to perform this ritual, you must burn three new candles.

Saturday evening, Atropos, The Moira that lengthens or cuts destinies.

Everyone will have an end, when you want to change them or when Atropos sees that you have done wrong. Not only will she do the same with life, along with her sister death, lives will end.

It is difficult to deal with her, she does not care about kindness, just keep your promise or you will know her scissors, if you invoke her and do it well nothing will happen to you, on the contrary your life and your long destinies will be very long.

Keep in mind that if you ask Lachesis for too much, she may grant it to you, but your destiny will be entangled and Atropos does not like to unblock destinies; with her bad temper, she prefers to cut destinies.

You have started a new destiny, so you must fulfill your promise, work hard and make it germinate with purity, you will be amazed how your life will take you on a different path to happiness.

You must burn this candle on Saturday, when the sun begins to set and darkness arrives, in the hours of the west you should light it.


Stick the candle in the center of a deep plate, add water until it covers one centimeter of the candle, and then light it at the indicated time. At dusk on Saturday.

Take off your shoes, you must be barefoot. Feet are the wings of destiny.

Light the candle, Gaze at the flame and watch until it harmonizes

With this ready say:

Nothing in life dies
Everything germinates again
To you lady of deaths
I come to implore you
Look at my destiny, I beg you, don't cut it off
Before, with your sister Laquesis help me untangle
I travel to an uncertain future, I don't know what will happen.
This destiny created a thousand paths will lead me
I may be wrong, don't be upset
Give me some time, I beg you, before everything ends
I know you are not patient, that's why I won't bother you anymore.
Listen to this prayer, your sisters have done the same
You said that whoever invokes you, you will not touch that thread

1 comment

Hola equipo Wicca una consulta.
Una noche encendí tres velas normales cafés y por algo que no se, dije “estas son las tres moira”, una hora después me acosté y al rededor de las 12:00 a.m. no se si fue un sueño o una visión entraron las tres moiras como tres mujeres humanas con sus ropas cafés iguales a las velas y se arrimaron a la mesa donde estaban estas velas la miraron una de ellas me hablo algo que no recuerdo, yo no era capaz de hablar ni de moverme y después se fueron, y no recuerdo mas.
Me puedes orientar que fue lo que me sucedió si fue un sueño o no. Mil gracias

Orfilia Garzon G,

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