Lucifer Coin Ritual 666

Ritual Moneda de Lucifer 666

Omar Hejeile |

The bearer of light

Among the magical symbols that possess the greatest power, the sacred coin of the two worlds stands out, along with the seal of Lucifer, although his name has been distorted, it represents the Bearer of Light.

Known as the perfect seal, the Penta, or five, used by all civilizations and religions to obtain a seal of maximum power, it has been disguised in different ways, associated with each culture.

Its Sumerian origin is lost in the past, it appears in all civilizations associated with different universes and gods, but... all with the same content: the power of being and nature, the world and the underworld.

In different combinations, magicians have developed THE SEAL OF POWER, a talisman of infinite strength for those who possess it and know its different symbols.

The five-pointed star or pentagram symbolizes the four elements and spirit, the dominant being that prepares the sacred alchemy of the transmutation of the worthless into the desirable.

In its content it represents the four winds: north, south, east, west and the zenith at the top and the nadir at the bottom. World and underworld.

Summer, autumn, winter and spring, Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Spirit or energy.

The star has two important meanings depending on where it points:

Upwards : creation, man united with cosmic power, the wings of life, the force of “being” in the center the eternal tree that shows the continuity of time and lives.

The rivers of incarnations, united with the earthly force, which is dominated by the spirit, intertwined with the five Phoenician letters that denote or symbolize the five eternal powers.

All philosophy and magical secrets are trapped in this position, the dominion of the spirit over matter, the wisdom for the dominion of nature, the eternal power over the dominion of life and death.

Reversed: The power of the underworld, secret knowledge, dominion, magic, entry into the underworld, the force of darkness, secret sciences, magical knowledge, represents the antithesis, the adversary, freedom, dominion of invisible forces, the supernatural.

It represents fertility, female and male, the absolute union between light and darkness, the All in all, the energy of power, it is the creative magic in its two polarities darkness and light, yin yang, female male, the union of extremes.

The extremes represent the sequence of inevitable cycles, the constant and perpetual rhythm of life that turns eternally. The magician uses the talisman to release the flow of his knowledge acting on the earthly world, obtaining from light and darkness the wisdom to do so.

In other concepts, by tradition, it has been related to Satanism, opposition, representing the fertility of the god Pan or goat, a symbol that with the deep arcana becomes a sign of hidden power. A Sigil, condemned by those who desire the submission of souls and not the freedom of spirits.

All symbols trapped in the eternal double triquetra, which transfers perfection, the deepest philosophical point, “as above, so below”

Along with the three sacred names of the spirits that rule the three realms, mind, body and spirit.

On the other side, the obolus of the underworld , not only to enter and leave, but the power that frees from hardships and adversities, the protector of the magician, is the sacred symbol of the one who carries the light.

The strength of the triad of power in the perfect number, 666 , this is the talisman that opens and closes doors.

He controls the four universes, in the search for perpetual balance, the key to all the magical pentacles, the sacred quintessence, the fundamental stone trapped in the fifth element, the seal of power. The magician's sigil.

Explanation of symbols.

Although for a long time the sequence has been to copy and transcribe the same data, it is important to clarify that the symbols that represent the letters are of Sumerian origin, and this is the precursor of the Phoenician language and later Hebrew.

Considering the strong magical content of the Sumerians, as well as their philosophy and progress, this is where the root of the pentagrammaton is born. In one way or another, religion usurped the symbols by deifying them, trying to make them lose their magical content, which is reborn in our times.

ל Lamed , the 12th letter (3) of the alphabet which means: Wisdom, knowledge, teaching, creation and construction, which can be translated as, The teaching of wisdom” points towards the zenith of the way to obtain knowledge and the power of the spirit.

ו Vav: sixth (6: 3+3) of the alphabet, moves time, past, present and future, governs destiny, transforms existence, unites the threads of lives, the symbol that entails the immortality of time, used by magicians to return things to the beginning.

י Yod the tenth letter (1) the concentrated power, the beginning, the creation, the eternal transforming fire. The hidden force that radiates the creative energies, the magician who knows this power uses it as a reminder that everything is possible, changing the essence, the mutation regenerates in the new works.

ת Tav , the last letter of the alphabet, representation of balance, polarization, extremes, day and night, duality, the point of change, the end and the beginning, the internal and the external, the temporal and the infinite, the zenith and the nadir, at the midpoint at the top of the ascent to begin the descent, normally the symbol is drawn at the end of where the magician wants something to culminate or something to begin, it is the same work with a different polarity.

נ Nun; the 14th letter of the alphabet, in its original meaning, is the representation of death and life, the migration of souls, the eternal continuity of the spirit, self-contained wisdom, the power to control nature, the knowledgeable magician interprets the signs of the eternal ages to transform between life and death.

Without imposing any truth, or considering the deep knowledge of this talisman or coin as the only explanation, it contains secret concepts from the world of magic, it is not something for the common man, taking into account the time that has passed and the persecution that has been carried out to nullify its strength and knowledge.

There have been attempts to nullify his great wisdom by stigmatizing him with destructive concepts, which persisted for some time, but today, he is reborn in those who, free in spirit, seek a path towards the interior.

Magic is an unlimited power, a power that cannot be acquired, since it exists within each one of us, a dynamic force that somehow releases itself and attracts similar vibrations, some of that magic is the reason why you are reading this writing.

As the Hermetic axiom says, when the student is ready, the lips that will fill him with wisdom will come.

Thousands of spirits today are freed from the chains of limitations, in one way or another they express this ancient knowledge, without the intention of convincing or subduing, they only show the path of the true essence.

This is not a decorative object, it is a profound element of magical power.


Spinning the coin, according to the magician's intention, makes the events occur. Although this may be considered speculation, only the initiated discover the profound meaning of this object that has accompanied the free-spirited since the beginning of civilizations. Preserving, seeing, meditating, unraveling its content opens the doors to the world of magical wisdom.

But... once again, there is no black or white magic, only magic, without color, each witch or wizard polarizes their intention. It is recommended to keep it in its original packaging and avoid at all costs that it is touched or manipulated by people other than its natural owner.


This is a magical object, prepared according to ancient dates and formulas, which is in a pure state. When possessing it, you must energetically unite with it, activating it with your vibration.

To do this, run the following :

Find a place that is semi-dark, preferably at dusk or dawn, the best balance between light and darkness is the point of balance.

Place the coin on a table, surrounding it with a circle of tobacco. It should be perfectly enclosed.

As you do so, light the incense and say:

Creature of land
I ask... with my clean heart and my serene soul
That you give your secrets to my life
I invoke the eternal forces that gave you life
So that the sacred essence flows through you
Merging with mine

I receive you, without any intention of profaning your power.
Enchanted seal, show me the path to liberation

With the sacred perfume, draw a triangle on your forehead,
With the sacred perfume, draw two numbers 6 on the palm of your hands
With the sacred perfume, draw the third 6 on your chest

Sprinkle the rest of the perfume in the corners of your room or house.

By doing so, you have activated this magical object with your vibration, but, if you have knowledge of the world of magic, be cautious with its use, reading and understanding magical books is recommended.

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